“Financial Freedom without Boundaries”
Helping you to live your Dream

Grower Group (1-GO) is established since 2011 as a privately-held company focus on Financial industry. The group has grown substantially from few people to a team of more than hundred people and has guided more than thousands clients to resolve their financial problems.
*We do not provide loans. We only guide in resolving bank debts and solutions to get bank loan, and then the funds is from banks.
Vision & Mission
In every moment, there are millions of people who are facing financial difficulties such as loan rejection from banks, credit card debts problems.
We always stand with customers and provide solutions to get financial facility approval from the bank.
We provide 3R solutions for credit card debts services which are restructured debts, reduce the interest rate, low repayment amount.
Lastly, after disseminate the correct knowledge on financial management. It helps lots of people able expand their business, achieve their goals. Besides, allowing more Malaysians to understand financial & debts concepts, it helps reducing the bankruptcy rate in Malaysia.